As any parent knows, you sometimes need octopus arms to get around with your baby or toddler. When hitting the road for a trip, the load increases and you have to be creative and a master multi-tasker.

There’s the stroller, the diaper bag, a purse, luggage, and car seat. With a toddler (or two), making them walk hardly seems like a good plan. If you don’t have help, things can get hairy. Well, now there’s a solution for all you travel warriors! The Bagrider is a carry-on bag that converts into a stroller.

Created by Mountain Buggy, the suitcase pulls double duty as a piece of luggage and comfy toddler stroller. It’s equipped with a seat liner that slips over the handle, and two sets of wheels that allow your bag to go from upright luggage to four-wheeled kid transport.

Designed by a mom-and-dad duo who are former air crew members, this was made with airport bobbing and weaving in mind. The Bagrider has a compartment for storing items like your passport or phone, and can handle older infants and toddlers up to 33 pounds.

With a twist, pop, and lock, you and your little one can be rolling to your destination without you looking like you just outran a hungry tiger. Instead of clumsy maneuvering or security line stress, you’ll just have to worry about snacks and entertainment.

Check out this video to see how the Bagrider works! You might decide to buy one for yourself or as a gift. And who knows, maybe it will replace those kid leashes that some parents love to use?

What do you think about this creation? Would you love to own one?

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