When was the last time you were in the salon chair, and the stylist actually seemed interested in your natural hair type? Yeah, it doesn’t happen often to us often either! To tell you the truth, we think that most stylists out there are generally trigger-happy with the blow dryers and don’t think to see how their clients’ hair naturally falls.

It’s a bit of a disappointing reality that we’d like to see change. That’s why we are sharing a video with you today that shows an example of just how working with natural hair can make the biggest impact!

In her pre-interview makeover, the client featured in the clip, Sandy, says that she is TIRED of the way she looks. Now, she’s not someone who necessarily seems down on her appearance; she’s just sick of the way that people have been cutting her hair. It seems as if this gal just hasn’t found her go-to stylist yet—something all women out there can relate to!

Instead of rolling the dice and trying out a random hairdresser, Sandy decides to visit one of the best out there—Christopher Hopkins, A.K.A. The Makeover Guy. Anyone who has watched one of his videos knows that Hopkins and his team are absolutely meticulous when it comes to crafting each, individual transformation.

So, when Sandy starts her consultation with The Makeover Guy by looking up at her mane in the mirror and wincing, we know that he has his work cut out for him. “It’s very fine and it’s getting more thin as I age,” she cringes. We feel you, lady. There’s nothing more disappointing than finding clumps of hair in the drain!

After a sweet pep talk about hair confidence, Hopkins instructs his colorist, Amy Z, on how to approach Sandy’s color. The two decide that it’s best to lighten up their client’s gray with some strategically-placed blonde highlights, a smart choice that will add some serious dimension to Sandy’s ‘do.

Next, the giddy “makeoveree” gets “20 years taken off,” as she puts it, in the makeup chair. There, Kami, the salon’s makeup artist, drops some brilliant tips on the importance of keeping those lips hydrated. If you want some color, she suggests slathering on a bit of lip balm first, then following it up with some liner. Pretty simple, right?

Before The Makeover Guy finishes up Sandy’s look with some calculated chops, he spritzes protein into her hair and secures her locks into a few double prong hair clips. Afterwards, we see just how much body this simple technique has given her.

Now, extra volume isn’t the only thing that we see here. If you look towards Sandy’s ends, you’ll notice some short ringlets. This may not seem like a big revelation to you, but for a woman who spent her entire life thinking that she had straight hair, it’s quite a shock.

Hopkins explains that her particular brand of brushing and styling has inhibited her hair from showing its true nature. This, of course, comes as a welcome surprise, especially considering this added texture gives Sandy a movie star mane.

You’ve gotta see this unexpected makeover—it may just prove to you that, when it comes to hair, natural is better. Click on the video below to witness Sandy’s transformation for yourself. We would have never expected her to walk out of that salon flaunting natural curls!

What do you think of Sandy’s makeover? What hair type do you have? Have you ever had a revelation at the salon before?

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