If you’re a mom or dad, then you know all too well that those little tykes have a tendency to grow up fast! Luckily, with technology the way it is these days, it’s super easy for parents to take as many photos of their children as they want—and for good reason. Not only does this obsessive snapping help to preserve memories, it can also serve as a creative video project.

When dad Steve first met his baby girl, Cora, in January of 2014, he was instantly head over heels for the infant. It’s clear that her baby blues and adorable smile really stole this proud papa’s heart!

As with most parents of newborns, Steve got into the habit of taking a lot of photos, but instead of simply uploading them to his Cloud and calling it a day, he vowed to make something more of his journey.

You see, the dedicated dad actually took a photo of Cora every single day for three years—that’s almost 1,100 separate shots!

Once Steve reached his goal, the crafty pa then uploaded his treasured pics to a program that allows viewers to witness Cora transform from wide-eyed newborn to self-assured toddler—all in less than 2 ½ minutes.

It’s a startling sight to witness, and one that we aren’t ashamed to admit, got us a bit teary-eyed. In our experience, it’s hard to see the changes in a baby when you live with him or her, day in and day out, but this clip illustrates a very good point—kids grow up REALLY fast!

How to make your own stop-motion transformation video

Believe it or not, this particular brand of video is quite popular. In fact, there is actually an online community devoted to the art of stop-motion daily photography called 365Project.

As you’ve likely surmised, 365Project is a website and movement, of sorts, that gives a platform to people who want to create these types of photo documentaries. The site allows users to upload their daily shots, and even provides guidance for how to go about taking the highest-quality pics.

Once you have met your picture goal, you can then look into making a video, similar to the one that Steven made for Cora. Generally, users will create video slideshows of their chosen pics through a video-making program, but, perhaps not surprisingly, there is actually an app that will automatically do all of the hard work for you.

If you’re not much of a computer whiz, then we suggest downloading the Everyday App. At just 2 bucks, this handy application will store all of your ‘everyday’ photos and aggregate them into one, sleek slideshow. How cool is that?!

Now that you know how to get started on your own stop-motion transformation video, it’s time for you to see a truly inspirational one for yourself. To watch the beautiful Cora go from day one to day one-thousand ninety-five in a flash, be sure to click on the clip below. We can’t wait to try this out for ourselves!

What do you think of Cora’s adorable progression? Have you made a similar video before? If so, how did you manage to complete it?

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