We are so close to Halloween, which means that if your home hasn’t achieved “optimum spookiness,” then it’s high time that you get to work! Now, over the past month or so, we’ve supplied you with plenty of the newest, coolest Halloween decoration trends around, like these amazingly creative Halloween Christmas trees and these super freaky Halloween skeletons.

While we love those creepy decorations, we just came across a particularly unusual one that–wait for it–is made for your fireplace. Talk about niche!

The product is called the ‘Human Fire Pit Skull’ and it is currently up for purchase on Amazon for $50 for a 1-pack or $250 for a 5-pack. OK, so the price isn’t necessarily the friendliest on the wallet, but as you can see by the awesome shot above, the spine-tingling effect is an unforgettable one.

The Myrad Human Fire Pit Skull works so well because it is manufactured from a high refractory product, similar to ceramic. Each skull is a sturdy 10 pounds and features highly-detailed, eerily-realistic, hand-painted facial features.

These truly are artisan-level skulls!

And, the best part? The skulls come in a variety of colors and are super long-lasting, which means you can put them to good use for many Halloweens to come. They can also be lit alongside standard firewood for better burning and in any type of firepit/fireplace set up, provided it is ventilated.

Like we said, these fiery skulls are a niche product if we’ve ever seen one. Definitely, a spooky investment that will make your Halloween just THAT much brighter!

We can’t wait to hear your take on these fiery skulls! Are you a fan of the product? If so, do you plan on purchasing it? What’s your all-time favorite “niche” Halloween decoration?


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