If you’re one of the many who gets the sweats whenever the mere suggestion of “downsizing” is uttered, then we want you to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We know just how difficult it can be to let go of beloved items, but we think that you will feel so much lighter if you get rid of the things you no longer need.

To illustrate this point, we turned to one of our favorite YouTube channels around, WhatsUpMoms, to get some advice on how to sort and let go of the pieces that may be contributing to a messy closet.

Our host starts off by explaining that she hasn’t done a full purge of her closet in almost 6 years—that made us feel a lot better about ourselves! In this time, she has had a whopping 3 kiddos, so, obviously, many of the outfits that have been shoved into the corners are ones that a) are maternity clothes, b) don’t fit her anymore, or c) don’t fit her current lifestyle.

Now, if her conundrum sounds familiar, then listen up! This hot momma has come up with an ingenious system to get rid of the clothes that she no longer needs, all without having to endure too much of a mental struggle. Here are some of our favorite strategies of hers.

  1. She takes EVERYTHING out of her closet

    Yep, and we mean everything. The perky vlogger drags each and every item over to her living room, much to her children’s amusement, and dumps the massive bundle onto the couch.

    She explains that this technique forces her to face the problem head-on and also forbids her from conveniently ignoring certain items. Makes sense!

  2. She takes the time to TRY ON every piece of clothing she intends on keeping

    When most people are going through their purging processes, they usually end up designating three piles for the items: “keep”, “donate”, and “trash”.

    Our host takes this even further, by making sure that she tries on every single piece of clothing in her “keep” pile. After trying them on – or just attempting to, in some cases! – she realizes how much her body and personal style have changed since having kids.

    We’ve seen quite a few closet organization videos in our day, and we’ve noticed that so many of them skip this important step. Don’t fall victim to your own wishful thinking—you’ll be surprised by how many clothes no longer work for you.

  3. She finds a place for EVERY item

    After finishing up her clothing purge, this mom steps back into her closet and realizes that there are still purses, sports equipment, belts—you name it—sitting on the floor of her big, beautiful walk-in.

    To remedy this, she adds accessory hangers and a cute storage bench for the bags and other miscellaneous items. Now, she finally has her floor back!

See, that wasn’t so hard after all. To check out the full 1-day closet transformation, be sure to click on WhatsUpMom’s video below. If her tips don’t give you the confidence to take a closer look at your wardrobe, we don’t know what will!

What do you think of this mom’s purging ideas? Is your closet organized? What is your personal closet purging system? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!

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