Do you love the smell of fresh clothes but hate the tedious process that gets you there? That’s right: laundry. One of the most time consuming chores of all. There’s probably been many a time that you’ve wished your laundry would just disappear, but we now have a slightly more realistic option in these brilliant hacks!

HooplaHa has started a brilliant new life hacks series called Mom Hacks, and it stars cleaning tip genius Ereka Vetrini. It makes perfect sense; no one knows more life hacks than your mom, especially when it comes to cleaning and household chores. It’s just science.

On this Mom Hacks episode, laundry is the big topic of discussion. Namely, how to make that laundry go by so quickly you’ll forget you even put in a load.

Our personal favorite? How to cut drying time in half. Drying your clothes usually takes twice as long as the wash cycle does, but not with this smart hack. All you need is one little item, something we KNOW you’ve got at home.

The item in question? A dry towel. The only way you don’t have this in your bathroom right now is because all your towels are dirty and currently being washed…in which case we apologize. But even a hand towel would work for that worst case scenario, so never fear!

However, if you do have a full-sized, clean and dried towel, that would be the best thing to use.

All you have to do is toss that towel in with your load of wet laundry. The towel will help to suck the moisture out of your clothes, essentially speeding up the drying process. After using this trick, Ereka found that it cut her dryer time literally in half.

Imagine that really quick. It takes, what, an hour to get your clothes dry? Going from an hour to a half hour for this chore is an amazing feat! That’s less time you have to hang around and wait, which means that you can check more off your to-do list in a day.

And that’s truly all most of us really want when we get up in the morning.

Ereka also has a brilliant hack for ironing your laundry after it comes fresh from the dryer. But for that little nugget of wisdom, we encourage you to watch the Mom Hacks video below! Once you see what a time saver it is, you won’t regret it.

What do you think of this trick to cut laundry time in half? Do you already use this towel hack, and if so, how does it work for you? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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