There’s nothing like warm soft pretzel bites especially when they’re dipped in a nice hot cheesy dip or hot mustard dip. So I was over the moon when I found out you can easily make these at home with just a handful of ingredients. Check out the video below to see how easy they are:

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Soft Pretzel Bites


12 balls of frozen dinner roll dough

1/2 cup baking soda

1 large egg, beaten

coarse sea salt for sprinkling


1. Thaw dough at room temperature on a floured surface and cover the rolls with plastic wrap so they won’t dry out.

2. Preheat the oven to 425F.

3. Pat the dough circles gently into a square and then cut with scissors or a knife into five 1 1/2 inch pieces. Place them back on the floured surface so they don’t stick and lose their shape. Let them rest and poof up slightly again while you bring the water to a boil.

4. Stir the baking soda with 9 cups water in a large pot and bring to a roiling boil.

5. Spray a parchment or foil-lined half-sheet pan with non-stick spray.

6. Boil 10-15 bites at a time for a minute, remove from the pot with a slotted spoon on to the sprayed baking sheet and boil the rest of the pretzel bites.

7. Arrange the pretzels bites on the sheet so they are not touching each other. Brush them with the beaten egg.

8. Sprinkle with flaky salt.

9. Bake 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

Makes about 60 pretzel bites

Tips: Don’t skip the boiling step with the baking soda, because that is what gives pretzels (and bagels too!) their signature chewiness.

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