Although the summer sun is still beating down on most of us, that time is almost here. I’m sure all you parents out there know what “time” I’m talking about. Back-to-school is just around the corner. Time to send those kids, big and small, back to their classrooms equipped with everything they need to be productive and successful in the coming year.

Between clothing shopping and supply shopping, back to school spending can easily get out of hand. And so I’ve compiled for you some ways that you can hope to save some money on your back to school shopping endeavors (or at least avoid spending a small fortune).



General Advice

What are some of your best tips for saving money on back-to-school shopping? We’d love to hear them! Thanks for being a Tip Hero!

A big thank you goes out to the following sources!

Frugal Living @, Coupon Cravings, USA Today, Frugal Dad

Photo Credit: woodleywonderworks

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