Stories about generous tips have enough feel-good power on their own, but when there’s an added bonus, you can’t help but be moved. This one’s for the kids.

Single mom Anna Hofstetter was working a bartending-waitressing shift at Hotel Nashville in Indiana, and things were fairly slow that night. She began chatting with a couple who were celebrating their anniversary, and they shared that they had gotten married at the hotel seven years prior.

In the midst of their conversation, Hofstetter mentioned that she works three jobs to support her children. The cozy couple enjoyed a nice meal and paid their bill, which totaled $32.40. But written in the tip line was an extra $1,000. And no, it was not a joke!

Scribbled under the amount was a handwritten note that said, “Give something to the kids”. She thanked the couple profusely, grateful for such a huge gift. After receiving the money, Hofstetter mulled over everything she could do with the cash, and came up with an idea of what she wanted to do with it.

Things aren’t always easy for single moms. Bills have to paid, and often that involves choosing one thing over something else. Extras like extravagant gifts or decked-out birthday parties are considered luxuries, if they happen at all. And then there is debt.

But those challenges didn’t deter Hofstetter from paying it forward. She donated the entire amount to a local community organization that is trying to fundraise for a special project: Brown County Enrichment for Teens Association (BETA), which needs help building a skate park.

Board president Clara Stanley was floored. She told local news outlet WTHR:

“Anna called me. I was in tears. I just shared with other people that I couldn’t believe it. Single mom! Working three jobs! But she put her dream out there and said Clara I really want to help you guys!”

It was a no-brainer for Anna! As a mother, she feels that her gesture will go a long way in helping other children— and she is not wrong! BETA, in partnership with local kids’ group Kids on Wheels, has set a $50,000 goal, which will be matched with state funds if they can meet their fundraising deadline.

Plans for the park include a skating structure with a curve wall and wave, tire swings, and a Gaga pit (no Lady Gaga involvement). Two talented boy scouts will be constructing the Gaga pit and a set of picnic tables for the park.

Apparently, the group has been trying to bring this project to life for many years, and after some hurdles, things are finally starting to look up. Who knew that a Saturday night shift would turn into this?

Listen to the video to hear more about what inspired Anna to donate the money and what this project will mean for the locals. If you are interested in helping their kid-friendly cause, you can find more information here.

What do you think of this single mama’s sweet gesture? How about the kindness of the couple? Are you excited for Brown County kids?

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