They’re big, round, and all over your face. No, not pimples. But they’re the place pimples start. That’s right, your pores. When pores become clogged with dirt, sweat or even makeup, they can turn into the acne we all know and love. More than that, large pores can look almost as unsightly as pimples can. Luckily, there is a way to reduce pore size! This fantastic face mask shrinks your pores, gives your face a soft, youthful glow, and helps get rid of dark spots. To see how it’s done, watch the beauty tutorial below.

Not only does shrinking your pores have a nicer appearance, but you’re helping reduce your risk of acne by lessening the size of your pores. And the mask is made with only two, all-natural ingredients.

Yogurt shrinks pore size and makes your skin super smooth and wrinkle-free. Lemon kills bacteria that could bring on facial acne. Add some rosewater for a spa-worthy treatment!

– 1 organic lemon
– Yogurt or curds
– Rosewater

Step 1: Put 1 tbsp. on yogurt into a bowl.
Step 2: Grate the lemon peel into the yogurt.
Step 3: Add rosewater for a soothing affect.
Step 4: Mix all the ingredients together to form a paste.

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