When we think back to our early elementary school days, we remember doing things like tracing letters on special paper with dotted lines and learning to tell time with traditional analog clocks.

While we may be dating ourselves, the internet wasn’t really a thing back when we were in school. In fact, we can remember when our elementary school got it’s first computers.

The times aren’t just changing; they have changed. Kids today know how to navigate a computer and smartphone, but they’re having trouble doing things that we did without thinking, like hold a pencil and use scissors.

It’s a truly digital age, and along with that is the fact that when kids and teens wonder what time it is, they’re usually looking at a digital clock. It could be on their smartphone, their computer, their tablet or even their wrist. Even watches are now digital thanks to the Apple watch and Fitbit options like Versa and Blaze.

Should it be any surprise then that these same kids are having trouble knowing what time it is when they look at an analog clock? Unless we have these types of traditional clocks hanging on the walls of our homes, when would children ever need to use them to tell time? Even then, we must admit that we look at our phone more often than a clock on the wall when we wonder what time it is.

It’s not that telling time isn’t taught in school anymore, because it is. Yes, our kids are taught how to tell time on an analog clock, but if they don’t have a reason to use these skills and practice them on a regular basis, they’re likely to forget how to know what time it is.

Think about it. We’re sure there are multiple things you learned in school that you don’t remember anymore. We know that’s true for us.

In an effort to reduce students’ stress levels while taking exams, many teachers in the UK have been taking down analog clocks and replacing them with digital clocks. They don’t want students wasting time or stress wondering what time it is or wondering how much longer they have before they need to turn in their tests.

Malcolm Trobe, the deputy general secretary at the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), said, “You don’t want them to put their hand up to ask how much time is left.”

Telling time isn’t just a problem in th UK. Watch U.S. kids try to tell time using an analog clock in the video below.

Does it surprise that kids today don’t know how to tell time? Do you think teachers should replace analog clocks with digital clocks in their classrooms?

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