Everyone dreads getting acne. Besides your face, it can show up anywhere on your body like your back (bacne), chest, backside, or jawline. And how about your scalp?

You may not even notice you have a zit on your scalp until scratch your head or hit the bump with your brush. It’s like they sit in a blind spot. Sometimes they show up alone and other times they pop up in a cluster.

There are several things you want to evaluate for your scalp pimple, but the first rule of play is to avoid popping it! Don’t scrape it, poke it, prod it, or touch it with dirty fingers because you could risk spreading the bacteria inside of it. If that happens, you’ll likely start the cycle all over again.

Scalp acne has more than one source, and in many cases, it’s the result of oil and dead cell buildup in the hair follicles. As with your face, your diet could also be playing a role, such as consuming high amounts of sugar or a food sensitivity.

Additionally, an underlying medical issue like seborrheic dermatitis, folliculitis, or a hormone imbalance could also be the culprit.

Folliculitis is very similar to scalp acne, but it’s a serious condition where bacteria infects the follicles, causing inflammation. The result are red, itchy, sore bumps. If these symptoms sound close to your case, then contact a dermatologist for an exam.

A common case of scalp acne can sometimes go unnoticed unless you see it. As an at-home treatment, one of the things you can do is apply a toner that contains witch hazel or apple cider vinegar.

Spot treatments with a toner or apple cider vinegar can neutralize microbes and penetrate oily areas. Breaking down that oil is important.

If you notice your hair has been too oily, wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo and don’t go too long in between washes. Doctors recommend finding one that contains ingredients like tea tree oil or salicylic acid but to leave the dry shampoos alone.

Product buildup can clog the pores too, blocking your follicles and causing breakouts. In addition to doing regular washes to remove it, you should also give your products a break until the acne clears up. This will also give you a chance to narrow down which product could be contributing to your pimples.

Slowly reintroduce your hair products one by one and note any differences in the health of your scalp. While you’re showing your head some extra TLC, you can also treat yourself to a scalp mask that acts as a deep conditioner. They typically address dandruff, buildup, and bacteria. A three-in-one!

And we can’t forget apple cider vinegar rinses. DIYers swear by it as a solution for making the scalp squeaky clean. Mix 1 cup of it with 16 ounces of warm water for a rinse, or pour it into a spray bottle, spritz, and let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse it out.

If treating the problem at home doesn’t help or you have a severe case, visit a dermatologist. He may prescribe a regimen of antibiotic treatments. In the meantime, keep up with your washes and let your scalp breathe!

Do you ever get zits on your scalp? How often do you get them and are they severe? What’s your go-to remedy?


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