Does your household stick to only one or two cups of coffee every morning? If so, you might want to consider using a French Press to make your daily cup of Joe instead of the electric coffee maker that sits on most kitchen counters. Although some resources are needed up front to purchase the French Press gadget itself, the overall savings in electricity and paper filters will more than make up for it. An added bonus? The word on the street is that nothing beats the taste.

If you have the time and you enjoy projects at home, you can also roast and grind your own coffee beans. This is much cheaper than buying pre-roasted, pre-ground varieties and if it is the freshest taste you crave, this will fit the bill. For more information on roasting coffee beans at home, you can visit this article: Roast your own Coffee at home.

If you like the convenience of an automatic coffee maker with a timer, then buy a reusable filter to eliminate the need for paper ones, which will save you a little bit of money and is better for the environment. Buy generic coffee, if you can stand the taste, (my grocery store chain carries a generic, organic, fair-trade ground coffee that is about the same price as most name-brand versions). You can also look for 2- for-1 specials on ground coffee at places like Starbucks and Duncan Donuts.

When shopping for an electric coffee maker, choose one that has a thermal carafe instead of a burner. This saves on electricity costs (albeit only a small amount), but if you use it every day, this can really add up. If you take your coffee on the road, pour it into a travel mug, which will help you resist the urge to buy another cup on the way to work. Bring a thermos of coffee to work with you to enjoy fresh coffee all day. Also- think of all the paper cups and plastic tops that you will save from a landfill!

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