Buying herbs and veggies for our recipes can be so frustrating sometimes, can’t it? A dish will call for just a few tablespoons, at most, of something like green onion, but the only way to purchase it is in a large bunch. Once the food is prepared, we either have to let the onion go bad or figure out many, many more dishes to incorporate it before it goes bad— and let’s be honest, we like onion, but everybody’s got her limit! What’s a frugal food-saver to do? Follow this tip from PureWow for the best way to freeze and save your green onions for up to three weeks. First step? Grab a water bottle.

Yes, a water bottle! Not only will you be saving your veggies, you’ll be recycling, too! What could be better? Here’s the easy step-by-step method:

  1. Rinse and dice the entire bunch of green onions.
  2. Dry the diced onions with a paper towel.
  3. Using a funnel – or just good skill! – fill your empty water bottle with the diced onions you don’t currently need to use.
  4. Put on the water bottle cap and freeze the bottle of diced onions. Use a Sharpie to date it, if you fear you’ll forget.

That’s it! Not only will your onions keep well this way, when you need to use some, it’s easy to shake out the right amount. So smart! Have you ever tried this method? Do you have your own tricks for keeping leftover green onion fresh and ready-to-use?

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