Typical safety and security measures teach us to lock up our most precious valuables in a safe or a lockbox. Since most of us don’t have the ability to set ourselves up like Fort Knox, we follow a plan like this or tuck things away in a secret spot.

Over the years, how do you think Britain’s royal family have kept their jewels safeguarded? You might be surprised to learn that during World War II, the crown jewels were kept in a cookie tin. That’s right.

King George VI, Queen Elizabeth II’s father, devised a plan to protect the jewels in case they were invaded by the Nazis. The information was revealed earlier this month in the BBC documentary, The Coronation.

One of the gems that’s of particular significance is what’s known as the Black Prince’s Ruby, whose history stretches back to 1366. It has been mounted in the Imperial State Crown since the 1800s when Queen Victoria ruled, and remained part of the crown when it was refashioned in 1937.

Another gemstone that had to be secured? St. Edward’s Sapphire. Older than the ruby, it sits in the cross of the Imperial State Crown. Other pieces include large diamonds, one of which is in the Queen’s scepter.

Like the Black Prince’s Ruby, some jewels had to be removed from their settings before being placed in the secret stash box. Once concealed inside the old Bath Oliver biscuit tin, King George had another plan in place to hide the family’s treasures.

A chamber was dug underneath Windsor Castle to conceal the goods. Because German planes flew overhead, the digging location had to be covered at night to keep it a secret. Not all the family’s jewels were hidden in tins. Some were taken from the Tower of London and moved directly to the secret vault at Windsor.

Secured with steel doors, it was a well-kept secret. So secret in fact, that Queen Elizabeth wasn’t aware of it until documentarian Alistair Bruce told her as the project was being filmed. She realized she and her sister were only children, and therefore her father did not tell them.

Bruce discovered the information through old letters written to Queen Mary by King George VI wherein the king described the plans for the cavern. It was a very covert undertaking that wasn’t shared with many who didn’t need to know. Interestingly enough, a trap door leading to the chamber still exists near the site at Windsor Castle.

Not so different from an unassuming hiding place that we would use today, the cookie tin was a clever idea that could have protected the gems from damage and prying looters.

Click on this video to hear more about the documentary and the hidden jewels. You’ll also get to hear commentary from the Queen herself on what it’s like to wear the crown jewels. It’s not as easy as it may look!

Were you aware of the royal family jewels being concealed in a tin? Would you hide your valuables in a similar way? What are your thoughts on this story?

The Washington Post

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