Just in case you’re new to Tip Hero or you missed a few of this month’s newsletters, here are some of the most popular tips that were featured on Tip Hero in the month of November in no particular order. Enjoy!

  1. 6 Wacky Examples of Extreme Frugality: Will you shake your head and laugh or jump on board with any of these ideas? Take a look.
  2. Cotton Prices to Rise in January – What You Should Buy Now: If you foresee yourself needing cotton-heavy goods, you might want to pay attention to this year’s holiday sales.
  3. 52 Frugal Tips for the Kitchen: In an extremely informational post, TipNut has compiled a large list of all sorts of tips to help you make delicious food/drinks on the cheap. Here are some of our favorites.
  4. 27 Household Tips You May Not Know About: Billeater.com claims to have a few tips that you may not know about. How many of these have you heard of?
  5. 10 Grocery Items to Stock Up On Now: Here are some of the long-lasting items that you could consider buying in bulk around the holidays to save some money in the long run.
  6. Thanksgiving Dinner on the Cheap: Even though Thanksgiving is over this year, you could still use some of these tips for upcoming holiday dinners.
  7. How to Make Some Extra Holiday Cash: Here are some truly feasible ways to pull together some extra money this holiday season.
  8. 50 DIY Ways to Save Up To $500: Take a look at just some of the ways you could save $25 to $500 on your bills and home costs.
  9. Quick Hot Breakfasts for Cold Mornings: Now that mornings are getting colder and darker, it is most important to have a filling, warm breakfast to help you start off the day.
  10. How to Recycle Half-Burned Candles: How do you get more life out of the candles that still have lots of wax around the edges? 30-Minute Martha did some research and came up with a great approach to solving this dilemma.
  11. Quick DIY Fixes for Household Items: These quick and frugal projects can be done quickly and easily. Take a look.
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