For such a simple thing, taking care of our skin can be surprisingly tricky. The largest organ on our bodies can be prone to all kinds of conditions and problems, and one of the most difficult to manage can also be one of the most visible, noticeable, and embarrassing: rosacea.

Thankfully, there’s also plenty of advice out there for how to treat and manage rosacea right in the comfort of your own home. Today we’re checking out tips from our friends at Howcast, and they’re ones anybody can do. Keep reading.

What IS Rosacea, Anyway?

It’s possible to not realize you have rosacea, or to assume that the appearance of it on your skin is something else entirely. So let’s first make sure we all under EXACTLY what rosacea is!

The Mayo Clinic defines rosacea as:

Rosacea (roe-ZAY-she-uh) is a common skin condition that causes redness and visible blood vessels in your face. It may also produce small, red, pus-filled bumps. These signs and symptoms may flare up for a period of weeks to months and then diminish for a while. Rosacea can be mistaken for acne, an allergic reaction or other skin problems.

The condition is especially common in middle-aged, fair-skinned women, and smokers and people with a family history of rosacea are at a higher risk of developing it. Other symptoms include an enlarged nose or eye problems.

And one important note— it is absolutely not the result of poor hygiene. While doctors and researchers aren’t sure of the ultimate cause, they are able to identify triggers of the appearance of symptoms. See your doctor if you recognize yourself in the symptoms above, then keep reading to find out how to treat it at home and care for your skin!

Home Remedies for Rosacea

  1. Wash gentle.

    We all know we should wash our faces everyday, but too often, the synthetic ingredients, harsh chemicals, and artificial scents in a lot of common cleansers are far too rough on rosacea-prone skin.

    Your best plan? Wash your face every day with a gentle fragrance-free cleanser – Cetaphil seems to be a popular recommendation – and do so gently. (No rough or overly vigorous scrubbing!) Avoid hot water and rough washcloths; your hands should be just fine as face-washing tools!

    Then, rinse with lukewarm water, pat dry with a towel, and then allow your skin to air dry COMPLETELY before putting anything else on your skin.

  2. Unfriend the sun.

    No, you don’t need to become a vampire or a hermit, but you DO need to avoid direct, harsh sunlight and other weather that can irritate your sensitive skin, like high winds or cold.

    When you do go outside, be sure to protect yourself by applying sensitive-skin sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more. Of course, that’s good advice for ALL of us!

  3. Exercise— but don’t overdo it!

    Like wearing sunscreen, exercising more often is advice all of us should be taking. If you have rosacea, however, going really hard and overdoing it can trigger a flare-up and/or lead to sudden dehydration. Not good!

    So when it’s time to get your body moving, choose an exercise routine you can do in a cool environment, and aim for a moderate level of activity. Drink plenty of water while you do so, and if you feel overheated, try eating ice chips.

  4. Visit your doctor.

    Sounds like obvious advice, doesn’t it? For many of us, though, seeing a doctor for a condition that “just” affects our skin goes against our internal definition of what’s “worth” a doctor’s visit.

    If that description sounds like you, adjust your inner expectations! Rosacea IS a real condition, and you deserve a real doctor’s help for managing it, avoiding flare-ups, identifying triggers and feeling better in general.

There’s even more things you can do to manage your rosacea and feel better about healing your skin. To discover what foods you should avoid, what diet changes can help, and more tips in general, watch the video from Howcast below. You might even find that excuse you’ve been looking for to move to the climate of your dreams!

Are you currently dealing with rosacea? Do you have any tips of your own to share with your fellow rosacea-warriors? Did any of the tips from Howcast surprise you?

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