Have you ever had an epiphany about something? Something that completely blows your mind and goes against everything you’ve been taught? Sometimes that you just have to share with the world around you because it’s just so amazing?

Of course you have—we’ve all had those “oh my gosh, I never realized that!” moments—the most obvious things that you only just realized.

Okay, so sometimes they’re not blatantly obvious. You could use an item every single day and still not fully understand its function—until one day, bam! It just hits you right in the head and you can’t believe you hadn’t known about it all along.

For example, you know those little circles on the lids of GLAD containers? They’re actually there to help you prevent soggy meals.

We only realized that after one woman on Twitter posted that you can add salad dressings, dips and toppings into it for whatever you’re bringing in the big section—basically, anything that you can add to the rest of the meal when you eat it, and won’t make it soggy when it’s sitting in the fridge. Brilliant, right?

Well, get ready for another brilliant revelation. This is truly going to blow your mind. It blew the mind of the man who discovered it, and there’s a reason his tweet has more than 22,000 likes and more than 4,000 retweets.

It’s about how to use a vegetable peeler. Yes, that gadget we all have in our kitchens that we use to peel anything from carrots to zucchini and potatoes

But think about you peel vegetables for a second. Do you hold the vegetable over the trash or garbage disposal, and, starting at the top, drag your peeler down the side of the veggie as the skin comes off? Then do you remove your peeler and begin from the top all over again?

Chances are, this is how you were taught to peel vegetables. You’re probably thinking “of course that’s how I do it, how would you do it any other way?”

Well, Giles Paley-Phillips, a British man recently discovered a much easier way to peel vegetables. Instead of removing your hand after your first peel, you can simply drag the peeler up and down the vegetable seamlessly as the skin falls off.

In a short 23-second clip, we see Paley-Phillips completely dumbfounded by his new discovery, dramatically dropping his carrot and peeler at the end in shock. His mind is completely blown, and so are ours!

People who saw his post were completely shocked as well.

“Why isn’t this taught in schools?!” someone exclaimed.

“Wait, what the HELL have I been doing with my life to not know this?!” another person questioned.

To see the amazing hack up close and personal, check out the video below.

Did you know you could peel vegetables like this? How excited are you to try this out the next time you go to peel something?

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