When Hope for Paws got a call from a concerned neighbor about an abandoned dog in the neighborhood, they immediately went to the rescue. And good thing they did. The dog who had been abandoned by a moving owner had taken refuge at an old construction site in the neighborhood – but little did the rescue team know that the dog had become a mother, too. Watch the video below to see what the team found and how they rescued this canine family, giving them a second chance at life.

Warning: Do not watch this in front of other people! There’s a pretty high chance of you crying in public, just saying.

The mama dog, who the rescuers named Zoe, was found in a makeshift den that the concerned neighbor had created for her shelter. And when Hope for Paws discovered Zoe in this den, they were shocked to see there was a puppy with her.

The neighbor explained that Zoe had been impregnated after being abandoned and had an entire litter. Sadly, all of her puppies had been taken by neighborhood kids, except for the one remaining pup, which they named Meadow.

After a cheeseburger and a half hour of gentle coaxing, the team managed to get the mother and daughter off the streets and into a safe shelter, which offers a happy ending to what was truly a heartbreaking situation.

To learn more about Hope for Paws or to learn how you can adopt Zoe or Meadow, read on here.

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