Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. You have a gorgeous antique heirloom couch which has just come back into style. You want to proudly display it in your living room for all of your guests to admire, but there is one big problem—there is an unsightly hole in the upholstery. Don’t throw the couch away! Here’s an easy tip to help you patch up that hole in no time.

  1. Smooth out the edges

    Start off by taking scissors or a razor blade to smooth out any pieces of fabric that may be hanging in the middle of the hole. Use circular motions to clip away any stray bits, then shake them out so that the hole is completely hollow.

  2. Grab some cotton

    If there is a large indentation, then go ahead and fill it up with enough cotton so that it is flush with the surface of the fabric.

  3. Use what you’ve got

    Take your razor blade and, at an angle, start shaving down the fabric’s fibers. You should end up with a balled wad of fuzzy lint. If the upholstery that you are working from does not shed in this fashion, then it is recommended that you buy a fabric repair kit and pull from the swatches in there. Once you have your material ready, cut it up into small pieces, so that it is easier to work with in the upcoming steps.

  4. Go for the glue

    Buy some quality fabric adhesive that dries clear. With a provided plastic tool or knife, start applying the product to the cotton. A little bit goes a long way here, so try to keep the glue in the center of the circle. Use the razor to spread the glue and re-pack the cotton, if necessary.

  5. Pack in those fibers

    For this step, our host recommends using the trusty razor again. Take a small amount of the replacement fibers and place them on top of the adhesive-covered cotton. In order to keep the new upholstery from separating, stamp down ever so gently on the fibers with the horizontal end of your blade.

  6. Add in the details

    If your upholstered piece has a unique pattern, then this step is especially important for you to follow. Open up that fabric kit and find suitable hues that match up well with your upholstery. Sometimes you may end up needing to mix several colors together with the provided container and ball. You can then blend the dye mixture on with your blade. If there are special designs on the fabric, then do your best to follow their scheme.

  7. Set with an adhesive

    Once you’re satisfied with the look of your upholstery fix, go in with a spray-on adhesive. This will set your work so that it doesn’t budge.

And, here’s the final result!

It’s a pretty simple process, and it can help you hold onto your beloved furniture for years to come. Watch the video below for even more helpful tips.

What do you think about this upholstery tip? Do you think furniture is worth repairing, or would you rather go ahead and buy it new? Let us know all about your thoughts in the comments section below!

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