When new parents ask us what items they should add to their baby registry, some of the essentials that we recommend are a car seat and a stroller. After all, you can’t drive away from the hospital with your baby if you don’t have a car seat installed in your car.

While a stroller is not technically essential, it does make life a lot easier. Sure, baby carriers are great and we love them, but sometimes it’s nice to have somewhere to put the diaper bag and a large coffee as well as baby, especially is baby is comfy in the car seat.

Travel systems that include a stroller and an infant car seat that clicks securely into the stroller are especially helpful. They allow parents to easily transport their babies seamlessly from car to store to a walk in the park.

If you happen to own a Britax B-Agile or BOB Motion stroller with a Click & Go receiver, stop using it as a travel system immediately. Britax has issued a recall for all of these stroller models including single and double strollers. While the strollers and car seats are perfectly fine to use on their own, they are not safe to use together.

According to The Journal Gazette, “Britax has received 33 reports of car seats unexpectedly disconnecting from the strollers and falling to the ground, resulting in 26 reports of injuries to children, including scratches, bruises, cuts and bumps to the head. In addition, Britax is aware of 1,337 reports of strollers with damaged Click & Go receiver mounts.”

Um, yikes. Parents, don’t panic. All you need to do is request a repair kit from Britax. There are a couple different ways you can do this. You can head over to the Britax website and click “Safety Notice” on the homepage. You can also call the toll-free number 844-227-0300 from 8:30 a.m.to 5:45 p.m. ET Monday through Thursday or from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. ET on Friday. Finally, you can email Britax at stroller.recall@britax.com.

Do you own a stroller system that’s affected by this recall?

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