In our opinion, gingers rock! On November 5, redheads all over the universe have something to celebrate: National Love Your Red Hair Day!

Instituted just a few of years ago in 2015, this “holiday” is more of a fun social media campaign that encourages redheads to show off their fiery crowns through photos. It is a rare occurrence – with only 2% of the world’s populating having red hair – that is worthy of recognition and celebration.

In case you didn’t know what makes gingers so cool and unique, we’re sharing a list of factoids about this oft-teased group of folks. We want to see you in all your glory!

  1. Rare but Concentrated

    Of that 2%, the majority of redheads are found in Scotland at 13%, followed by Ireland. Everyone else is spread out around the globe.

  2. Handy Trait

    Having red hair is an indicator of recessive genes, and those same genes are what makes it more likely for a redhead to be left-handed.

  3. Thick Manes

    Gingers have thicker hair than blondes although they have less strands- thousands less. That’s why their hair looks so full!

  4. Passionate Action

    It has also been asserted that gingers have more fun in the bedroom. They tend to attract (and keep) partners easily by igniting passion with their red-hot looks. Bow-chicka-wow-wow!

  5. Sunny Superpower

    One study found that a specific gene mutation (you can thank MCR1) means red-haired beauties do not need as much vitamin D as others, because they can produce their own.

  6. Tough as Nails

    Those magical genetics also play a role in giving redheads a higher pain tolerance. One study also found that redheads require more anesthesia when going under. Tough!

  7. Genetic Anomaly

    As if they weren’t unicorns already, gingers tend to have brown eyes, making a blue-eyed redhead the rarest combination you’ll ever come across.

If you know a redhead, give them shout-out, a hug, or a high-five today. If you don’t know one but still want to show love, honor the Lucille Balls, Prince Harrys, and Amy Adams of the world with a virtual thumbs-up!

Are you a proud ginger? How do you celebrate redheads? Did you know about this holiday?


Irish Post


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