Most of the time when dogs get to taste “people food,” they’re so excited they gobble it right up within seconds. And if they’re puppies who haven’t been trained not to beg yet, those seconds become milliseconds. The one exception to the rule? Lemons! As this adorable Bernese Mountain Dog puppy demonstrates, the citrus provokes quite a different reaction. Watch the video from YouTuber CharkFarkBark to see what the pup does, then read on to learn why he reacts this way— and why we don’t recommend you repeat the – admittedly adorable – experiment.

So why is the cutie reacting this way? Well friends, it’s because this video is one of those “Don’t Try This At Home” situations— because lemons and other citrus fruits are actually bad for dogs! According to ASPCA, lemons are toxic to dogs, cats and horses, causing vomiting, diarrhea, photosensitivity and even depression. Subsequently, lemons and other sour foods taste terrible to dogs, causing the reaction in this video. While we know this little guy is OK – Mom’s right there to snatch the lemon away – enjoy the cuteness by watching the video, not repeating it with your pup!

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