When it comes to a nutritious diet, what you drink is just as important as what you eat. We all know we should be hydrating with lots of water, but did you know you can also pump up that water to help you burn fat, cleanse your body and increase your energy? Healthy Food House gives us a recipe for Apple Cinnamon Water that combines the fiber-and-vitamin-rich fruit with metabolism-boosting spice for a beverage that’s as good on your tongue as it is for your whole body.

Kabsik Park

All You’ll Need:

– 2 apples
– 2 cinnamon sticks
– 34 ounces (1 liter) filtered water
Optional Ingredients for More Fat-Burning Power
– Fresh lemon juice
– Raspberries

stevepb via Pixabay

How To:

  1. Peel the first apple and remove the seeds.
  2. Cut the apple into inch-thick slices.
  3. Mash the slices using a large spoon or press.
  4. Combine the apple juice, filtered water and cinnamon sticks in a large pitcher, and stir well. If you’re also using lemon juice, add it here, too.
  5. Core the second apple, but do not peel it. Dice into small pieces.
  6. Add diced apple pieces to the to the pitcher and stir again. If you’re also using raspberries, add them during this step.
Healthy Food House

Store in the fridge if you prefer cold drinks. That’s it! There should be enough water here to last you about three days, depending on how much you’re guzzling down. Do you enjoy flavoring your water, or do you prefer it as it comes? What beverages do you keep on hand to help you drink your way to health?

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