It seems impossible for anything to be more adorable than Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton. Their two toddlers, George and Charlotte, are the icing on the royal cake. While being royal certainly gives these tots a leg up in life, their cuteness factor alone would clearly take them far.

William, Kate, and the kids certainly know how to pose for the perfect family photo shoot. Rest assured, though, they’re more than just looks. The royal family recently got some attention, for example, for showing off their winning parenting skills.

Their secret? William and Kate literally talk to their kids on their level, kneeling down so they can look George and Charlotte in the face to communicate. Experts tell us that this kind of face-to-face communication works wonders for getting kids to develop socially.

Ok, so all signs tell us that William and Kate are gorgeous and awesome at raising kids. Could they be more perfect? If you’re feeling jealous, breathe a sigh of relief. In an interview with Elle magazine, Kate Middleton told us that things can get topsy-turvy even in the home of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

That’s right: apparently, our adorable Princess Charlotte is a bit of a boss. While sharing some parenting tips and stories with the magazine, Kate said Charlotte loves to tell her older brother George what to do. In fact, the little tot likes to run the entire household!

If you have a toddler at home–ok, if you’ve spent even one hour around a toddler–you know that bossiness kind of comes with the territory. It can be cute to see someone so short act so big, but can quickly become frustrating if a toddler throws a tantrum or decides their room needs a fresh coat of Crayola.

Toddlers aren’t usually being bossy just to get on our nerves. Kids that young are still convinced that the world revolves around them, since it basically does for the first couple years of their lives! Bossiness is a way for them to get their hands on some of the power that adults have. Toddlers are also still developing social skills, like learning to share. It takes a long time to believe it’s ok to take half of your cookie and give it to someone else!

Parents naturally want their kids to be independent and have self-confidence. So how do you control a toddler’s bossiness without crushing their spirit? Riley Children’s Hospital at Indiana University says that one of the best ways is to give them choices: ask your kid if they want to wear the blue or the red sweater, or if they’d rather have an apple or a cheese stick as a snack, for example. That way, they get to feel like they’re in charge.

Charlotte seems to be remarkably talented, so we’ll say the Duke and Duchess are doing a great job. Still, Charlotte’s bossiness once again shows that despite being royals, they really are a lot like the rest of us after all! Watch the video below for more on Kate’s approach to parenting and her secret for reigning in Charlotte’s bossiness without dampening her spirit.

What do you think about Kate and William’s approach to parenting?

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