When it comes to chowing down on home-cooked meals, we’d be lying if we said that we are picky about the dishes themselves. Shocking news—especially coming from a site that focuses on sharing so many delicious recipes with the masses, right?

Now, we’re not saying that we’re down to eat TV dinners every night of the week, but if they were cooked by someone we loved, we wouldn’t protest TOO much! As the old adage goes, “A person cooking is a person giving,” and boy, does that sentiment shine through, even in the simplest of meals.

Recently, we came across a speech that Prince William gave at a benefit for Centrepoint, a U.K.-based homeless advocacy charity, that summed up our thoughts perfectly.

Although Will surely doesn’t have to cook, it turns out that he actually likes putting his culinary skills to good use, no matter how rudimentary they may be.

“I like a roast,” Prince William says. “So a bit of roast chicken or a steak. I like it medium rare. I like it quite alive.”

We’re all for an “alive steak”—we too love our meats on the bloodier side, but, unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that Prince William’s signature dishes should be eaten by his pregnant wife at the moment. If you have ever been pregnant then you know that doctors advise expectant mothers to stay away from undercooked meat.

Aside from the health risks, Kate is currently suffering from a severe form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum, an uncomfortable condition that can last an entire pregnancy.

This means that, even if Kate was cleared by a doc to eat a rare steak, she probably couldn’t stomach it. You see, one of HG’s hallmark symptoms is persistent vomiting with many women naming “meat” as one of the worst offenders. Yikes!

How hyperemesis gravidarum affects pregnant mothers

Recently, we gave you an in-depth look at the horror that is hyperemesis gravidarum, otherwise known as “morning sickness from hell!” In it, we discussed some of the worst side effects that Kate herself has confirmed experiencing, like non-stop vomiting, loss of appetite, and even dangerous weight loss which can lead to health problems for the baby.

Now, it’s important to note that Kate has suffered from the condition throughout each and every one of her three pregnancies so, for better or for worse, she has become an unwilling “pro” at dealing with the illness.

That said, it’s good to know that the dashing Prince William is there to feed his lovely lady—even if he can’t share his favorite meal with her for another few months!

To learn even more about Will’s eating habits, as well as his mission to end hunger in the U.K., be sure to watch the video below. We sure hope Kate gets back to her normal eating routine soon. At least she’ll have a new royal baby to cuddle up to in the spring!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on Kate’s morning sickness struggles. Have you been diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum? If so, have you been able to find relief? What is your honey’s favorite dish to cook for you?

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