Chloe Dunstan was already a mother of three boys when she found out she was pregnant again. She and her husband Rohan were given a due date of late September, and were full of excitement about their new arrival.

More good news rolled in: triplets! Upon learning they were having three more, they were told that two would be boys, and the third baby would be a girl. As the only one in their brood, her birth would be extra special. But the Dunstans received a shock when Chloe went in for a checkup that July.

Their baby girl was not growing well. She wasn’t receiving the amount of nutrients and oxygen necessary to thrive in the womb. So, Chloe was faced with a choice: let her daughter go so the boys could live or deliver the babies early, risking the lives of all three.

It was torture. She didn’t want to give up on her daughter but was scared that her sons would suffer. At 28 weeks, the Dunstans welcomed Rufus, Henry, and little Pearl into their family. Born in July 2015, they all survived. Pearl weighed just over 1 pound (690 grams), a little more than half of her brothers’ weight. But the little girl had a host of health issues.

All three babies stayed at the hospital for nearly three months to receive care as premature infants. Because of their health complications, they all needed blood transfusions. Pearl, the miracle baby, battled a pulmonary hemorrhage as well as problems with her heart, liver, brain, and bones. She was a fighter.

By the time her weight grew to 3 pounds, doctors diagnosed her with metabolic bone disease, a condition which causes bones to be extremely fragile and easy to break. With treatment, it eventually was conquered.

Despite these challenges and more, Rufus, Henry, and Pearl were sent home from the hospital shortly before their original due date of September 22. The triplets were able to bond and cuddle with the rest of their siblings.

That was in July 2015! Today, two-year-old cuties Pearl, Rufus, and Henry are happy and healthy. Though she’s the still the tiny one in the group, Pearl is growing without any issues and all of her brothers adore her.

Chloe has been chronicling the family’s journey on social media where she shares pictures and videos of her six children – all under age 6. You can check out the adorable family on her YouTube vlog, Life with Beans, or the Instagram and Facebook pages, Chloe and Beans.

Each site features snaps of the kids from the time they were born up until now. What a long way the triplets have come! These babies beat the odds despite what doctors warned.

Though the children keep them busy, Chloe and Rohan can’t imagine not having Pearl in their lives and they’re more than happy with their decision. They are joyfully looking forward to watching all of them bond and grow up.

What do you think of this family’s incredible story? Do you know someone who was faced with a decision like this?


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