Looking for a fun weekend project? Look no further than these adorable honeycomb shelves! These shelves are super easy to make, cost next to nothing, and are so versatile to use around your home.

By stacking these popsicle sticks on top of one another in a hexagon shape, you can create a 3D honeycomb. When more than one is made, these create a super cool affect for a floating bookshelf or just to display some wall decor. You an choose to glue these honeycombs together or leave them separate as more modular units.

All you’ll need to get started is a hot glue gun, some hot glue sticks, and some popsicle sticks. The look of the popsicle sticks is very cool; it almost looks like bare wood or bamboo shelves. However, they can also act as a blank canvas for some fun colors! White would give your DIY shelves a crisp clean look, while a color like cobalt blue or jade might be the pop of color your decor needs.

Fair warning, this is a bit of time consuming project; while you can choose how many layers you want to add to each shelf, remember you’ll have to glue on six sides for each layer. If you decide to follow the instructional video below from I Am Chipo, you’ll be using 19 layers for each shelf. Keep this in mind when you’re carving out time for the DIY!

If your schedule is a little too jam packed for the more involved portion of this project, make sure you watch the video below regardless! It’s honestly hypnotizing to watch these honeycomb shelves get made and the music in the background makes it downright cathartic.

What do you think of these adorable little 3D shelves? Will you be making some popsicle honeycombs to hang on your walls? Share your thoughts on this cute project in the comments section below.

Honeycomb Popsicle Stick Shelves



  1. Start by forming a hexagon with six popsicle sticks.
  2. Take away the top three sticks, just leaving the bottom of the shape intact. Glue the two sides to the bottom of the hexagon. Use this as a guide to glue the top three sticks in the same way.
  3. Glue both sides of the hexagon together. Make sure to check that all sides of the finished outline are equal.
  4. Now start to layer popsicle sticks on top of your outline, gluing the stick to the two ends of two existing sticks. Add as many layers as desired, 19 are added in the video below.
  5. You can make multiple shelves, if desired. If you decide to, you can glue the units together or keep them separate. The choice is up to you!

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