If you are an owner of an adorable, albeit clingy pup, then you’ve perhaps found yourself asking this question: “Why in the heck does Fido fall asleep on my feet?”

Surely you don’t mind it; after all, doggies do make great feet warmers, but you’d be interested to know that this sweet action can actually be your dog trying to tell you something!

The dog-and-dog-owner relationship certainly is a curious one. They are, in fact, our best friends, even though we have no means of exchanging verbal communication. In other words, we may think that we know everything that is going through their minds, but we really can’t be too sure. For this reason, it’s best that we all brush up on doggy body language.

When it comes to sleeping or sitting on your feet, the behavior could mean three things…

  1. He can’t get enough of your scent

    A recent report on canine behavior revealed that dogs tend to stay close to their owners in order to show love, affection, and loyalty. The study, which called for neuroimaging scans of dog’s brains, revealed that when dogs sniff out their owner’s scent, something ignites in their brain’s rewards center, making them see you as a “gift”, of sorts. How sweet is that?

    While most pooches would, of course, rather be cuddled up in the laps of their owners, they’ll take anything they can get when they catch that special whiff—including a nap near the feet. Now THAT’S true love!

  2. He is asserting his dominance

    While it’s hard to believe that the canine apple of your eye would ever choose to make a show of dominance over you, it’s definitely not an uncommon behavior. When dogs sit on an owner’s feet, they realize that they are “disabling” their master. He is basically saying “I’m stronger than you! You can’t move!”

    Although this behavior isn’t always aggressive, it is important that you do your best to watch your dog closely when he does this, especially if he is prone to nipping or biting. Sure, your dog may have had you at “hello”, but it’s probably best that he doesn’t know that!

  3. He is anxious or sick

    Possibly the easiest emotion to gauge in animals is anxiety or fear, mainly because it is often exhibited through yelping, shaking, or clinginess.

    If you notice that your dog is on your feet or hiding behind your legs, animal experts recommend that you take note of the environment around you. Are you near other animals? Has a new person come into your home? Does your dog appear sick? These are all good questions to ask yourself when he is exhibiting this behavior.

    Not only will the guessing game help you better target the problem, it will also train you in becoming more sensitive to your dog’s individual personality and needs.

Now that you know why your beloved canine likes to sleep near your feet, we’d love to hear from you! Does your dog do this? If so, when does he/she do it? Do you have any other doggy mysteries that you would like solved?

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