When it comes to yoga, we can all agree that many of us have been programmed with one sentiment in mind—it’s for skinny people. Nevertheless, even at 290 pounds, this determined yoga instructor has found a way to share her passion for the practice with the entire world.

Meet Maria Odugba. She’s a fitness enthusiast whose images of her flaunting her strength have caused quite a stir online.

Since she began practicing in 2014, Maria has lost between “120 to 125 pounds.” And although she focuses on maintaining a diverse exercise regimen, she still stresses that yoga is the hardest of them all—something to which we too can definitely attest!

Along with building physical stamina, the ancient practice has also given Maria a new lease on life. “Yoga has taught me that you don’t have to be one size to succeed in something, to do something. It’s definitely built a lot of self-confidence in myself,” she reports.

It’s an amazing feat that not only reveals itself in her body but also her spirit. “I kind of sprouted out of my little cocoon, and I became able to walk around with my chest held high because for a long time I just wanted not to be seen, I wanted to wear bigger clothes and hide,” Maria remembers.

Although the gorgeous yogi is clearly proud of her journey—and rightly so! —she still has to dodge trolls at every turn. “I deal with a lot of negative comments, just in general, about my weight. People think you need to be just one size and if you’re not, you’re not ok in society,” Maria says.

Luckily, the strong gal doesn’t let the harsh words get her down. In fact, she does everything she can to inspire others to live a healthy lifestyle. She currently teaches yoga classes and has even managed to assist a student who suffers from the same condition that she does, polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS.

The medical conditions behind Maria’s weight problem

As you can see, this effervescent yoga instructor obviously gets enough exercise, and she only eats a diet of “whole, natural foods,” yet she still struggles to keep the pounds off.

Maria explains that, while she has always been overweight, things began escalating in high school and college when she gained between “100 and 150 pounds.” She took a visit to her doctor who diagnosed her with both PCOS and hypothyroidism, two conditions that have been known to cause weight gain in patients.

Despite her health concerns, the inspirational yogi continues to trek forward, with new goals in mind. In recent years, Maria has amassed quite the following on social media, which has led her to become an unofficial ambassador, of sorts, to other young people who are dealing with hurtful body shaming.

“These are people that, 10 years ago, I was them,” she remembers. “I had nobody to tell me, so being able to help those people—that’s been my proudest moment.” You go, girl!

To meet the ever-inspirational Maria Odugba, be sure to watch Barcroft TV’s video below. We are so happy that she has found a healthy exercise regimen that works for her!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this unlikely yogi. Are you one of Maria’s followers on social media? If so, what drew you to her? Have you ever felt that body-shaming bullies have held you back from doing what you want to do?

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