Something we can never have enough of? Useful little boxes to store a crafting supplies, jewelry, trinkets and odds-and-ends. Something we always have too many of? Plastic milk jugs. Do you see where we’re going with this? Yes, not only can you make your own storage boxes, you can make them by recycling those ubiquitous jugs. The genius idea comes to us via OWN and Crème de la Craft. It’s easier to make than you might think, too. “As long as you know how to draw a line and cut, you’re pretty much set!” Here’s how to do it.




  1. Make sure the jug is completely empty and clean both inside and out.
  2. Use the marker to draw half-circles on each side of the jug, making one side taller than the other three to form the lid.
  3. Cut the jug along the guidelines.
  4. Fold down the flaps to form the box. Bend back and forth along each fold to get the plastic to hold the shape.
  5. Sew a button onto the top lid.
  6. With your scissors, bore a hole on the base, in line with the button. Run the hair tie through the hole and knot on the inside to hold in place.
  7. Personalize your box by using Mod Podge to attach decorative stationary paper, or decorate however you like!

That last step is not only where you can let your creativity shine, but where your kids can get in on the crafting action. If you have a family full of milk drinkers, or if you regularly use jugs of water, you’ll never run out of materials or opportunities to make them. Every kid can have as many personalized boxes to make as they like!

Cute, right? We love that this project not only recycles plastic, it creates something really useful! If you think you’re going to give it a try, be sure to watch the video from OWN below and check out the even-more-detail instructions on the Crème de la Craft blog. Tell us if you give it a try! Are there any other fun ways you know to reuse plastic jugs?

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