Nurses are special people. For those of you who already know that, then there’s no arguing. They soothe painful bodies, they comfort the heartbroken, they intuit needs and act without asking. And they’re not judgmental.

I’ve seen them care for family members with a tenderness that not many could pull off. As a mom, I’ve been on the receiving end of phenomenal care while giving birth. My last delivery wasn’t easy but I had one of the best nurses on Earth. Her name was Maya and she was awesome.

We remember people like that. One mom of four was inspired to thank the nurses who took of care her when she had her children. Mommy blogger Jill Krause was moved by a photo shot by birth photographer Katie Lacer. The pic shows a nurse crouched down on the floor helping a mom post-birth.

Katie runs a birthing photography business called MommaKT Shoots that chronicles the birthing journey for families with pictures before, during, and after the baby comes. Often, nurses are seen in the images too! With Katie’s permission, Jill posted this photo for her blog, Baby Rabies, along with a post on Facebook that is getting mamas in the feels.

“I’ll never forget the faces of the nurses who followed me into the bathroom after delivering each baby. That moment when I was so vulnerable, so tired, scared, shaky. My swollen belly deflating, and my modesty long gone. They treated me with such kindness and dignity.

For me, these have been moments of empowerment and confirmation that I have a real village to help me, even if just for that little bit of time in a bathroom, on a toilet, while a kind nurse shows me how to put an ice pad on my mesh undies.

This photo by my friend MommaKT Shoots just takes me right back. Like, I can smell the Dermaplast. Let’s hear it for the nurses and the doulas and anyone else who shows us how to make ice pad underwear (or helps with that first shower post c-section!)”

Jill’s post went viral, earning sentimental comments from other moms who were also grateful for the nurses who helped them during a vulnerable time. Here are a few:

“When i was pushing, I’ll never forget pulling my face away from my nurse’s chest to see her scrub top SOAKED with my sweat and tears. I was like, ‘Oh my god I’m so sorry!’ And she went,’Baby, this is life all over my shirt. Nowhere else I’d rather be. Now let’s get that baby out.’ I loved her. I can’t wait to be a nurse.”

“And here’s to the nurses who practically carry you to the toilet after a c-section…and hand you a popsicle after to celebrate your first post surgery walk.”

“I still feel bad for trying to punch the nurse who was pressing down on my uterus right after my c-section. It was a fight or flight reflex to the pain. She caught my fist with one hand, kept right on working with the other. She was a badass.”

Katie told HuffPost that she just happened to catch this moment on film as the nurse was helping a mom with a cold pack. It was her first time using the bathroom post-birth.

The aches and pains that come with the physical demands of giving birth are no cakewalk, but nurses help to make things comfortable and steady. I remember wishing I could bring them home with me for a few extra days of nurturing and pampering as I healed.

Kind nurses deserve all the love and accolades they can get. Oftentimes, they’re being substitute mamas, husbands, sisters, or friends! With all the things that they see and do, they still help patients keep their dignity. Cheers to all you nurses out there!

What do you think of this photo? Do you have a memory to share about a kind nurse that helped you through birth or another experience?

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