The pandemic has changed a lot of things about our daily lives. For example, many of us logged into Zoom for the first time, and now we don’t know how we would live without it. Many of us have also gotten used to working from our pjs. We sometimes even let our kids go to school in their pjs when they’re learning remotely.

When the pandemic first started, we had no idea that it would last this long. We had no idea that it would impact Halloween.

The one holiday when it has always been normal to wear a face mask will be different this year, but it is definitely not canceled. Whether trick-or-treating is going to happen in your neighborhood in a socially distant way or if you’re going to have a Zoom Halloween party, costumes are still necessary.

If your kids are anything like ours, they love any excuse to wear a costume, but if you are anything like us, you may have dropped the ball and forgotten to get them a costume. Just because Halloween is tomorrow doesn’t mean it’s too late. There are plenty of creative ways to make Halloween costumes with items around your house including a cardboard box.

Perhaps you would like to look back at pictures of your kids in their Halloween costumes and easily be able to tell that those pictures are from the year 2020. If that’s the case, Ellen DeGeneres can help you out.

In a recent episode of her show, she invited 5 children on stage to show off their unique and homemade Halloween costumes. Most of the costumes perfectly summed up 2020. For example, we can definitely relate to the “Mom on a Zoom Meeting” costume. 

Watch the video below to see several creative Halloween costumes you might be able to pull off at the last minute with a little bit of time and creativity. You definitely won’t find these costumes in a store.

Which one of these costumes was your favorite? What costumes are you (and your kids) wearing for Halloween this year?

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