Whether you born in the Elvis generation or in the 2000s, chances are you know who Elvis Presley is. And chances are, you’re a big fan of the King of Rock and Roll.

Elvis is a true cultural icon—besides a few acting stints, he has hundreds of hit songs that we still play today. Plus that lip movement he does is recognizable across the world (you know what we’re talking about).

Point is, we all love this charismatic legend (or shall we call him a hunka hunka burnin’ love?). He died on August 16, 1977 at just 42, and many hearts broke that day (plus some would argue rock and roll died that day, but we digress). Elvis was heartbrokenly found in the bathroom from his home in Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee. The cause of death was ruled a heart attack.

Since the singer’s death, Elvis’ ex-wife Priscilla Presley and his daughter Lisa Marie have taken it upon themselves to give Elvis’ fans a place to celebrate the beloved musician in the form of Graceland. They’ve basically taken the home and created a museum for fans to come and see how Elvis lived his life.

One of the most visited houses in America, Graceland gets more than 600,000 visitors wanting to tour the home (side note: that’s more people that want to visit the White House). In 2006, Graceland was declared a National Historic Landmark. International celebrities like Prince William and Prince Harry even came to visit once!

There are tons of exhibits—explore his Elvis’ collection of gold and platinum records, immaculate jumpsuits, and other wardrobe he was famous for in the Elvis The Entertainer Career Museum.

The car buff might enjoy the Presley Motors Automobile Museum, where you can take a look at some of Elvis’ favorite cars—from his pink Cadillac to Mercedes Benz limousine, Rolls Royce sedans and more.

But perhaps one of the coolest things to see is simply how the King lived—his décor, furniture, all that fun stuff. And now? You can! And you don’t even have to take the trip to Memphis to do it.

The best part about it? No crowds, no money, and you can do it in the comfort of your own home. In your pajamas. Eating a peanut butter and banana sandwich, if you want, because those were Elvis’ favorite.

Ask us how pumped are we about this. Real pumped. Reaaaal pumped.

Let us explain: There are now three different virtual tours that take you on a panoramic 360° view of different areas of Graceland—the immaculate exterior, the stunning foyer (which includes the living room and dining room where Elvis, his family, and many guests enjoyed a number of delicious dinners), and the “Jungle Room,” which was one of Elvis’ favorite hangouts. You’ll feel like you’re right back in the 70s, except even cooler.

Here are a few peeks into some of the famous room of Graceland:

Living Room

Bedroom Room

The Jungle Room

And you can check out all the other nooks and crannies of the King’s home in the virtual tour! Each one of the tours are everything you’d think they would be and more. I’m basically drooling as I click around admiring all the details.

After watching the virtual tours, you’re likely going to still want to take the trip to visit Graceland to experience the mansion in person—but hey at least we can get a taste until we can make the trip!

Have you ever visited Graceland? If you haven’t, what do you think of these 360° tours? Let us know if you try it out!

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