When people talk about a “dream job,” they usually mean a job that would be so much fun that it wouldn’t really feel like a job at all. We’ve shared several dream jobs in the past, like being paid six figures to run an inn on an island, but this is the first time we’ve shared what literally is a dream job. Like, you get to sleep on the job.

Eachnight wants to pay five people $1500 each just for taking naps. If you love to nap, we know, you’re already looking for the link to apply. First, you may want to know a few details.

The professional nappers will be called “Nap Reviewers” and they will need to be able to nap without being disturbed for 30 days. They also need to be very good at writing and at following directions. That’s right. These naps will come with instructions. Specifically, “The individuals will be required to take part in a video call before and after each experiment, to ensure they understand their tasks fully, and to complete a verbal questionnaire detailing their experiences and results.”

Anyone in any country can apply, but the applicants will need to have a strong command of the English language.

You might wonder why a company would want to pay people to take naps. Eachnight explains, “we wanted to test a few theories behind the pros and cons of napping to provide our community with some valuable insight. We know that in general different length naps have different benefits, but we are keen to put this to the test.”

It sounds like if you’re chosen for the job, you would be testing different nap lengths as well as other experiments related to naps. If this sounds appealing to you, be prepared to explain why you would be a great Nap Reviewer including any relevant experience you have, you know, napping, and any relevant experience you have writing reviews.

If you can’t commit to napping without being disturbed for 30 nights, you can still benefit from a few tips Eachnight shared to improve the naps you are able to take. For starters, set an alarm so you wake up from your nap when you want to wake up instead of sleeping too long. It’s also best to avoid napping within seven hours of the time you plan on going to bed for the night.

Are you going to apply to be a Nap Reviewer? Do you like to take naps? How long do you usually sleep when you nap?

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