Poll your inner circle and you’re sure to find common pet peeves when discussing airplane travel. Some of you probably have a horror story or two to share too, like people who put their crusty, bare feet too close to your face.

Ugh. As it turns out, collectively we all have more gripes in common than not when the subject comes up. Expedia released the recent results of their Airplane and Hotel Etiquette Study in an effort to understand what irks people the most.

Over 18,000 travelers from more than 20 countries participated in the survey and according to a press release from the company, its purpose is to help customers:

“Our goal with this study is to better understand travelers’ biggest pet peeves and offer tips to help them maximize comfort and minimize annoyances.”

As you check out the list of complaints, you’ll realize that what is going through your mind when you witness poor plane etiquette is also going through at least 75% of your fellow passengers’ minds as well. You are definitely not alone.

  1. Bare Feet

    Did we call this one or what? It was nearly unanimous among survey-takers that bare feet are a no-no on flights. The sight of someone’s little piggies (or big ones) projecting themselves onto armrests, headrests, seatbacks, or anywhere else is just as bad as the smell that may come with it.

    Even if the feet aren’t planted onto a seat or in someone’s personal space, having them naked and sitting on the floor is also considered rude. Unless you’re a baby, keep your feet in your shoes, folks.

  2. Seat Attackers

    Worthy of eyerolls and dirty looks, the seat-kicking or seat-punching passenger makes everyone wonder how he was raised. That also goes for the person who has to grab the headrest when getting up from the seat. It’s annoying and inconsiderate.

  3. Fragrant Travelers

    Body scents from perfume, cologne, and hygiene products are not only a nuisance for some travelers, but can make them feel ill. Some people get headaches if the smell is too strong and would rather endure someone with a foul body odor than an overpowering scent.

  4. Chatty Cathies

    While this is not limited to American flyers, more than 75% don’t care to be seated next to a talker. They’d rather be left alone.

  5. Inconsiderately Loud

    This goes for talking, snoring, headphone use, or general movements that tip the decibel scale into unbearable. Expedia suggests packing ear plugs or your own headphones that can help to cancel noise out.

  6. Careless Parents

    Those parents who let their progeny run amok on the plane or who do nothing to curb misbehaving kids that are causing a disturbance rank fairly high on the list of annoyances.

  7. Space Invaders

    It’s an airplane and it’s cramped. But people don’t care for those who infringe on another’s personal space. Reclining seats that go back too far, armrest hogs, and sleepy folks who like to use others as pillows are not welcome.

If you encounter any or all of the things mentioned in this article, you can either politely ask the offending party to stop or speak with a flight attendant. They can either address the passenger about the behavior or make arrangements for you to change seats.

We realize there are more things that could be added to this list, but you get the picture. And if you’re one of those people who fit the description of one of these violators, consider yourself warned. Nobody likes it.

What airplane annoyance ticks you off the most? Have you ever been guilty of one of these behaviors? Did you ever confront a passenger over a gripe?

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