While a car is often necessary to get from point A to point B, it’s certainly frustrating when we drive to point B and can’t find anywhere to park. We’ve had to circle parking lots numerous times praying for someone to leave only to see another car swoop in and take a spot when it opens up. We’ve had to drive down side streets looking for spots along the side of the road, carefully reading all the parking restriction signs, like no parking on certain days of the week or certain times of day.

While parking rules may vary from day to day and from street to street, one rule that is consistent is not to park in front of fire hydrants. This seems pretty obvious. In the case of a fire, firefighters would need access to the hydrant, and we definitely don’t want to stand in the way of firefighters putting out fires.

If there’s nowhere to park, we can see how someone might be tempted to block a fire hydrant and roll the dice that there won’t be a fire. Best case scenario, they make it out with a parking ticket. Worst case scenario, well, worst case scenario recently happened in Anaheim, California.

Yes, recently Anaheim Fire & Rescue tweeted a few photos of what they had to do when a car was blocking a fire hydrant during a fire. The text reads, “Ever wonder what happens when a car is parked in front of a fire hydrant and a fire breaks out? Is a closer parking spot worth the broken windows and the citation and towing fees to @AnaheimPD? @City_of_Anaheim residents please  do not park in fire lanes.”

Yes, you heard that correctly: broken windows. As the pictures in the tweet show, the fire department had to break the windows of the car to get the hose to the hydrant.

Multiple people commented on the post asking why it was necessary to break the windows. One commenter wrote, “Why not just run hose on top of car and issue citation.. That’s over doing it.”

In response, Anaheim Fire & Rescue explained, “We posted this incident to illustrate and educate, not to humiliate anyone. In answer as to why break the windows instead of going under, over, or around the car… it doesn’t work.  The hose needs a straight line out of the hydrant. We do not damage property unless it is needed.”

For more on this story, watch the video below.

We definitely think it’s worth it to park further away and leave the fire hydrant clear.

Have you ever parked in front of a fire hydrant? How would you react if you saw the windows of your car broken and a hose running through your car?

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