In case you’ve been out of the loop, the Internet is currently undergoing quite the curious obsession. No, the obsession isn’t funny GIFs or creepy Snap Chat filters or bizarre YouTube trends—though it sure has had its fair share of those. This obsession has to do with optical illusions, in the form of funny, and often startling, perfectly-timed photos.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Reddit is the current website du jour for Web-dwellers to share their confounding images. Because “Internet trend” is pretty much our middle name, we routinely cruise the boards in hopes of finding an optical illusion that we can’t crack.

If you’re a longtime reader, then you know that we have gotten really good at solving these visual puzzles over the years, so good, in fact, when we come across one that stumps us, we just have to share it with you!

The mysterious “Optical Illusion Dog”

As you’ve likely surmised, the above photo is one of the hardest visual puzzles we’ve come across in a while.

At first glance, we fought against our inclination to scroll past it as quickly as possible (we thought we might have inadvertently come across a photo of a hurt dog—cue the Sarah MacLauchlan music), but upon further inspection, we realized that the dog wasn’t hurt at all, he was…

…he was…

Well, frankly, we weren’t too sure what he was, either than a pooch who had managed to twist himself into some sort of Oktoberfest-inspired pretzel. We’ve seen a few doggy gymnasts in our day, but his position was so confusing, we couldn’t quite make heads or tails (pun intended!) of where his tail could be, and how he could twist his head a full 180-degrees. Creepy stuff!

Because we knew that we wouldn’t be able to get a good night’s sleep if we didn’t solve this one first, we upped our sleuthing game by downloading the photo and taking a closer look in an image editor.

We started by zooming in, but that, admittedly, resulted in even more bewilderment.

Feeling down, but never defeated, we turned the photo around a few times…. until…

We finally saw it!

The speckled, brown and white body on the right-hand side of the frame actually belonged to our flexible pup, not the light-brown fur on the left. We don’t quite know what’s going on, on the left-hand side, but we can only venture to guess that it’s either another lounging doggy—or maybe just a furry blanket. Victory!

When Reddit user chadwalk originally posted this to the site, it went viral almost immediately. It just goes to show you that a perfectly-timed shot of your lazy pup might bring you fame. Good to know!

We’d love to hear your take on the baffling “Optical Illusion Dog.” Were you able to quickly crack the code? What is your all-time favorite viral visual puzzle? Do you have a perfectly-timed photo of your own that you would like to share?

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