If you are a dog owner living in the Big Apple, kudos to you–and your pup!–the city definitely wasn’t designed for animal-lovers in mind. Unfortunately, the sidewalks are littered with questionable items galore, any and all greenbelts are usually packed, and, most famously, the MTA is not the friendliest to canines–no matter how cute they may be.

For those of you who don’t know, the MTA, otherwise known as the Metropolitan Transit Authority, is the agency that oversees all of the city’s modes of public transportation. It is an entity known for its long delays and very strict, albeit vague, rules, particularly when it comes to furbabies. Here’s the agency’s official code of contact in regards to four-legged passengers:

…no person may bring any animal on or into any conveyance or facility unless enclosed in a container and carried in a manner which would not annoy other passengers.

Now, we’re not lawyers here–nor are we claiming to be–but that wording is pretty sloppy for such an all-powerful public entity. As a matter of fact, it’s almost like the terseness and lack of specificity in regards to “containers” was done on purpose. Maybe, the MTA really loves dogs and wants passengers to have the freedom to travel with their pets?

Well, as it turns out, we’re not the only ones who have had these thoughts. In fact, plenty of MTA passengers have used the ambiguity of the word “container” to their advantage. Here are 15 doggies who, no matter their sizes, can pretty much fit into ANY sized container (i.e. tote bag, backpack, gym bag, etc.). We wish our morning commute was filled with these furry faces!

  1. The large dog wearing the blue tote bag

    So, THAT’s why Ikea makes their iconic blue tote bags so big!

  2. The Husky in our aunt’s beach tote

    We don’t know how this guy managed to fit his Siberian Husky into a canvas bag, but, honestly, the dog doesn’t seem to mind…

  3. The Beagle in our aunt’s beach tote

    Ok, that’s the SAME tote that the Husky-owner uses, right? We wonder who got the idea first?!

  4. The lapdog in a teensy bag

    By the looks of it, this is hardly a big dog, so why is this poor guy so squished? Its owner should upgrade to the above ‘beach tote’ stat!

  5. The poodle in the backpack

    We’re not sticklers for rules, but something tells us that the MTA’s definition of ‘container’ isn’t meant to cover this beast’s massive backpack!

  6. The blue-eyed babe in the gym bag

    We wonder if the owner sneaks his into the gym this way, too?

  7. The Boxer in the backpack

    We sure hope this owner does plenty of core-strengthening exercises. Otherwise, the weight of that dog is going to lead to some pretty painful back problems. Just sayin’!

  8. The Shiba Inu in a tote

    This fluffy dogg-o seems to love his commute!

  9. The doggy in a kid’s carrier

    Aren’t those meant for hiking toddlers? Whatever, this ‘container’ is just too cute to knock.

  10. The perfect canine traveling companion

    THIS is why all dogs should be allowed on the NYC subways. Look at how happy both it and the owner look!

  11. The jaded commuters

    A picture is worth a thousand words. These commuters are NOT feeling their cramped train ride!

  12. The too-little dog bag

    This dog is either crammed into this bag, or it has the biggest head in the world…

  13. The Beagle in a backpack

    This dog does not look amused…

  14. The pug in a backpack

    And, neither does this pug…

  15. Back at it with the Ikea bag

    We’ll end this post the same way we began it–with a massive dog wearing an Ikea bag. Your welcome.

We’d love to hear your take on these crafty, subway-riding dog-owners. Do you think these dogs should be allowed on the subway? If not, why? Are you a dog-owner that has ever had to conceal your pup?

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