15 Things You’re Not Actually Allowed to Bring into Disney Parks
Walt Disney Parks: they’re fun, they’re magical, they make even the oldest and most jaded among us feel like kids again, but anybody who has recently visited one knows that they don’t fool around when it comes to protecting their guests– that long security line says it all. Now, Disney security isn’t as restrictive as the TSA, but they have deemed some pretty common items either unsafe or inappropriate for the parks.
Here are 15 of the most surprising–and not-so-surprising– things that you can’t bring along with you on your next Disney vacation…
Glass Containers
Sure, you may be able to purchase glass containers inside of Disney parks, but that doesn’t mean that you can bring your own. That said, small baby food glass bottles are a-OK with the folks over at the Happiest Place on Earth. Good news, parents!
Hoping to earn some extra cash busking on your uber-pricey Disney trip? Well, you’re out of luck, our friends. Each and every park prohibits guests from bringing musical instruments of ANY kind. Leave your kazoos at home!
The idea of capturing some sick aerial footage of your Disney trip may make your heart skip a beat, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to get it. In fact, the company itself got into some legal trouble because it wanted to fly its own drones, a move that would mean its post-9/11 imposed fly zones would be disrupted. Talk about a conundrum!
Shoes with built-in wheels
This goes for rollerskates, rollerblades, and those infamous shoes that all teachers hate, Heelys. Oh, and this wheel-ban also includes skateboards and scooters, too!
Large strollers
Sorry, parents— all strollers sized larger than 36”x 52” aren’t allowed inside the park. Fortunately, strollers are available to rent for $13-15 for a single and $27-31 for a double. Disney’s pretty good at taking your money at every turn, huh?
Sure, Disney parks may sell alcohol, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a BYOB situation.
Recreational marijuana is now legal in the state of California, which means that anyone over the age of 21 can purchase the drug outside of Disneyland’s gates. That said, the company won’t let you carry any of the stuff inside.
Large suitcases
And coolers and backpacks, too! Well, not ALL suitcases, coolers, and backpacks— if yours is under 24”x 15”x 18”, you’re good to go.
Selfie sticks
Selfie sticks make for some great pictures, but Disney is not a fan of them. You see, back in 2015, some irresponsible guest went a little crazy with their selfie-taking device (he or she used it while riding on a rollercoaster!). Apparently, the incident raised some red flags, and security made the passengers sit on the ride for about an hour while they investigated. Ever since then, Disney has banned the devices altogether.
Large tripods
While we doubt that anyone would ever attempt to use a large tripod on a ride, Disney still thinks that the contraptions could cause safety issues.
Toy guns and weapons
It probably comes as no surprise to you that toy guns and, of course, real guns or weapons of any kind are prohibited in all Disney parks. Good on them!
Folding chairs
The idea of unfolding your camping chair and kicking back on Main Street USA for a parade may sound like your idea of a good time, but Disney won’t let you make this fantasy a reality. The sidewalk it is, folks!
Throwing your little ones into a Radio Flyer definitely makes for good photo-op, but it’s one that you won’t be getting at the Happiest Place on Earth!
Unless your dog or miniature horse (yes, miniature horse!), is a service animal with the paperwork to prove it, they will have to stay at home. Sorry, Fido.
Mystery items
According to the park rules, Disney security staff is allowed to confiscate “any other items that [they] determine may be harmful or disruptive.” Translation: keep it simple when it comes to packing for your big day.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on this list! Have you ever tried to bring any of these items into a Disney park with you? If so, what did Disney security do? Do you have any tips for saving money at the parks?
Source: Walt Disney World