Few siblings are as close as twins – can you blame them? Once you share a womb with someone the deal is pretty much sealed. People say that twins have a bit of telepathy going on and that they can sense the moods of their twin easily. These two adorable newborn twins are proof of that. When one of the twins can’t stop crying, his sister knows exactly what to do to calm him down. Although they’re only a few days old, it’s amazing to see that their special bond has already started to form. Watch the video below and prepare to feel your heart melt.

Now that’s a good sister. This honestly took me by surprise, I’ve never seen something like this happen before! My heart.

Seeing him hold her little fingers is just about the cutest thing in the world – plus, her idea works like a charm! Her brother actually does calm down once he’s sucked on her thumb.

This is such a great reminder that although parenting twins can be challenging, it brings along double the joys of parenting, too.

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