If you own a dog, you know what a tedious task it is to cut his or her nails. Chances are, even the mere sight of the clippers sends them into a pacing frenzy.

Sometimes it’s even worse when they don’t know what’s coming—you’re like “Fido, this is going to be so fun!” and then you carefully get them into a good position to access their nails. And boom: you not-so-pleasantly surprise them by clomping down as they screech and whimper and never trust you again. And it’s the worst feeling ever.

We can’t really blame our furry friends for being this way. Their nail beds are incredibly sensitive, especially if you clip too far (been there done that—not a fun time).

Well, fear no more. One dog owner came up with…well, kind of a weird solution to this common problem. But it’s a weird solution that seems to work!

And depending on the size of your dog, it doesn’t seem like too much of a hassle—though it does require some equipment including a purse and a chin-up bar.

On February 10, 2018, Kendal Peifer witnessed her dad cutting their dog’s nails in the strangest of ways and had to document it on Twitter. She tweeted two photos of the situation that day, and by February 12, the post had almost 50,000 retweets and over 209,000 likes.

His goal was to make some sort of comfy harness for a dog. So he bought a cheap purse, cut a few holes in it for the dog’s legs to droop in, and hung it from a chin-up bar so that the dog could relax while getting his nail clips.

Not only did this make the pup calm down, it also eliminates the problem of the dog running away—when you’re chilling in a bag hung from a doorway, you can’t really get anywhere fast.

The best part is, the dog seems to be loving it! I mean, wouldn’t you? It’s kind of like relaxing at a little version of a doggie spa.

People all over Twitter are pretty obsessed with this idea.

“That’s hilarious and genius,” one woman said. “This is the best thing I’ve seen all day,” another wrote. Most of the comments were along these lines.

Someone was pretty happy about the money-saving aspects of this dog grooming solution: “I spend $36/month taking my dog to get [his] nails trimmed at the vet. She will let them do it (she averts her eyes while they do it!) but not me. THIS IS THE SOLUTION!”

One person is wondering if it’ll work on other pets? “Omg. That is awesome. I wonder if I could do that with my kitties,” she posted.

Someone else brought up a valid point: “I wonder if they make a purse to hold an 85 pound lab?”

Hey, Kendal, can your dad come up with a solution for bigger dogs? If we see this invention on Shark Tank, we know who to thank. He better get it patented quickly!

What do you think—is this a dog grooming hack you can get behind? Do you think your furry friend wouldn’t mind getting his nails done in a comfy harness like this one?

Tell us if you’re going to try this next time your pooch needs their nails clipped—we know we will!

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