Hi Tip Heroes! So I mentioned in a post a couple of weeks ago that I was thinking about spray painting an old nightstand that’s been around since (probably) before I was born. Well this weekend, I got down to business. The project took me 15 minutes of work time, and just an hour of wait time while it dried.

Here’s the before shot (it’s against a wooden floor, but I think you’ll be able to see how it’s in rough shape):

I took it out to the yard to start the project. I already had some primer, so I just bought some plain white spray paint at the local hardware store ($6.95). I chose white for 2 reasons. Firstly, I thought it would look nice in my bedroom. And secondly, I’ll be able to use the leftover paint to touch up my kitchen table chairs at some point!

And here’s the after photo. I cleaned the table thoroughly and sanded it down a bit. I then used a couple of coats of primer and a couple of coats of the white spray paint:

I love my “new” nightstand! No more eyesore table and I didn’t have to purchase a new one to make it look like new:

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