I have an annoying habit of learning things the hard way. The other day, I went to the store and Scottie tissues were on sale for $1. I bought 5, as I help raise four grand-daughters….lots of little noses.

Well, this morning I was adding more coupons to my coupon holder. I knew that my coupons were current, as I toss the old ones monthly.

HOWEVER, I forgot what I had. I had a coupon in there for $1 off 5 boxes of Scotties! Now, this does not ruin me financially. However, I could have saved another buck! That would have helped with the yogurt I was buying that was not on sale.

I am going to start going through my coupons more often. Accidents happen, but it really helps you to spot a deal when you know what coupons you have. This is something you can do watching tv, chilling with a cup of coffee. It can PAY for that coffee!

Just thought I would pass that along.


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