Have you noticed how wedding dances have evolved over time? They don’t always resemble the classical waltz or a slow sway anymore. Nowadays you might see some salsa, a tango, and the internet’s favorite: choreographed routines.

All of those choreographed dances are entertaining, lively, and sometimes downright funny. But most of all, they’re still sentimental and memorable. You might not break out the tissues or shed a tear for these upbeat routines, but you’ll darn sure want to bust a move too.

We won’t lie, here’s another one for ya. Who can get enough of the energetic father-daughter dances or funky couples’ first dances we see online? And you’ve got to love when mothers and sons break the traditional wedding dance mold and do a pop music sequence.

For all the mommies out there, if you can get your son to dance with you at any age, you’re pretty lucky. When they grow up and still want to boogie with mama, you’re extra lucky. In this case, it was Mom’s idea to do something different for the wedding, and her groom son totally went for it.

In the video shared below, guests were expecting the sweet and typical mother-son two step you see at weddings. Gabe Helguera and his mom swayed back and forth to Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World” as pictures were snapped to capture the moment. Then the tempo sped up as Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean” cut through.

Someone slid across the floor to toss the groom a fedora while he and his mother got in the Michael Jackson video stance. It was on! The guests really started paying attention as the two jammed to the song, with Gabe’s mom even lip synching as she danced. Too cute! A string of old and modern hits played, including some J.Lo and Beyoncé as mother and son pumped their arms and strutted around the dance floor.

One of the video’s best moments is at the two minute mark. You have to watch! I’m not sure whether J.Lo or Pitbull ventured to pull that off when they performed “On The Floor” together. Equally noteworthy were the duo’s moves to “Single Ladies”. That one never gets old. Ever. Gabe was good but his mama totally slayed, especially with the fierce lip curl. Mmmkay?

Watching this whole video will make you smile but it could also make you wonder how they didn’t run out of breath. Kudos to them for handling that medley of up-tempo songs like Zumba pros. The entire room was on its feet, clapping, singing, and cheering along.

Each wedding has its own special dance ritual for the couple and their families. Gabe and his mother lit up the floor with their moves without missing a beat. Take that, waltz! He’s fortunate to have a mom who can still rock out like that and it’s cool that they could both let loose. Now click on the video and get ready to put your hands up!

How many of you would do a pop-style wedding dance? What do you think of this mother-son dance takeover? Tell us in the comments!

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