You can find just about anything at Walmart, and when Walmart teams up with Ellen, apparently some people can even find their daughter.

Let us back up. Nancy’s daughter Addie wanted to go to Australia from the time she was a little girl. When she was just 12 years old, she even had a box where she would save money to go to Australia. When she was in her mid-twenties, she realized that if she were ever going to go to Australia, she just had to go, so she did.

Addie has been living in Australia for about 5 years now, and she loves it. The only thing she doesn’t love is that she doesn’t get to see her mom very often.

Nancy teaches 1st grade, and between her job, the expense of flights and how long it takes to fly to and from Australia, she hadn’t seen her daughter in 2 years.

Then, one day, Nancy was in the audience of The Ellen Show. She used to watch that show every single day with Addie when she still lived at home. It was like a tradition for them. We’re sure it must have been amazing enough just to be in the show’s audience, but then Ellen called her name and asked her to come on stage.

Nancy was beyond excited to meet Ellen, but the surprises were just beginning. Ellen told Nancy that she wanted her to go to Walmart to pick up her grocery order so that she could demonstrate just how easy it is to get groceries delivered directly to your car through Walmart. Nancy eagerly agreed and was excited to be part of the show. She had no idea that this was all a setup.

Once Nancy got to Walmart, it wasn’t an employee who brought the groceries out to the car. It was actually Nancy’s daughter Addie who The Ellen Show had flown in from Brisbane, Australia, to surprise her mother.

Nancy was definitely surprised, but Walmart and The Ellen Show still weren’t done.

Watch the video below to see Nancy’s reaction when she realizes her daughter is standing in front of her in the Walmart parking lot and to see what surprise Ellen has planned when the mother and daughter make it back to the show.

Do you have any relatives who live really far away? How would you react if they surprised you by showing up someplace like a Walmart parking lot?

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