Cougar Attacked This Mom’s Son, So She Leaped Onto the Animal and Pried His Mouth Open With Her Bare Hands
A family in British Colombia is thankful that their son survived a cougar attack on their 7-year-old. But the boy’s mother, Chelsea Bromley, says her instincts kicked in as she worked to save him.
Zach was playing in the back yard of his Vancouver Island home when the sound of the cougar trying to breach the fence startled him. He tried to run away but the animal jumped him and grabbed a hold of his arm. His mother heard the commotion and ran outside.
Bromley pounced and went to wrestle the big cat off of her son, trying to pry its jaws of him. She screamed, and it finally released its hold and ran off. Zach suffered wounds to his arm and head, but he tucked his face inside his sweatshirt to protect himself, and authorities say that prevented his injuries – especially on the neck – from being worse.
Officials found two young cougars near the home and they were both put down. Wildlife experts state that it is best to avoid running from cougar encounters as they will give chase thinking you are prey. Instead, face it, make yourself appear larger, and make noise to frighten it off.
You’ll want to hear exactly how this mama did it by clicking on the video below. Zach is recovering from his injuries, but his parents say the mental part of it will be a little harder for him to tackle. However, they are more than grateful he is alive.
Are you amazed by this mom’s heroics? Has your adrenaline ever kicked in during a life-threatening situation like this one?