Shannon and her husband were finally ready to start their family, and they were excited to do it. But, unfortunately, their first pregnancy did not quite go as planned; as it turned out, there was a gestational sac but no embryo and no heartbeat. After a few more tests, Shannon received a call from her doctor with the heartbreaking news.

“He said, ‘I’m so sorry, but your pregnancy is not viable,’” Shannon recalled on The Doctors. “I was so devastated.”

The next step would be a routine dilation and curettage, or D&C, in which the contents of the uterus are removed to prevent hemorrhaging and infection. This would essentially remove the final remnants of Shannon’s baby, which was something she just wasn’t prepared to lose.

Although it seemed like the logical, and health-conscious, thing to do, Shannon knew in her heart she couldn’t have the finally remnants of her child taken from her. Not yet.

She begged the hospital to wait two more weeks and they reluctantly agreed. When the day came, Shannon begged again, this time for one last ultrasound.

It was a miracle that she did, because what Shannon was about to discover would completely change her life.

“I just want to do it one more time,” she told the doctor. “There was just the tiniest fleck of light and I said ‘What is that?’”

After zooming in on the fleck of light, the doctor miraculously detected a heartbeat. The baby was not lost, in fact she was developing right on track. That fleck of light turned into Shannon’s first daughter, now 12-years-old, who was born as healthy as can be.

As it turned out, the doctors had done a blood test to check the hormones in her body when the original gestational sac was discovered. The results showed that she had the hormone levels of someone who was three months pregnant, but that her hormonal levels were not increasing at the rate they should have been.

This, plus the lack of heartbeat, made the doctors believe that there was no baby.

But when her gut told her to check one more time, to just wait a little bit longer, she made the discovery that changed everything. When the doctor turned on the audio and let her hear her baby’s perfectly healthy heartbeat, they all realized there was a baby there, defying all odds.

Shannon shard her story on the television show “The Doctors,” tearing up as she told the studio audience about how it felt to discover she had her baby after all.

Following her story, the doctors told the audience that what Shannon did was exactly what every mother in her situation should have done.

“Yes, it’s not hard and fast science, but there’s an art to the practice of medicine just like there’s a science,” one of the doctors said. “Again, there’s always risks, and there’s a risk that yes, if it is a miscarriage you might start to bleed at home. But if it is a desired pregnancy and you have a plan, waiting and checking again is definitely the standard of care.”

This just proves what we already knew, that a mother’s intuition truly is one of the strongest forces on earth.

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