If you’re like me, then you have surreptitiously been decorating your home for Christmas since—let’s say—SEPTEMBER! It’s just so hard to keep those shiny ornaments and ornate garlands locked up in the craft closet. To fuel your need for all things shiny and bright, here is a super easy DIY project that will give you a tiny, colorful tabletop Christmas tree to display!

Our host today, YouTuber Dezinefun has truly outdone herself with this fun craft. She calls this the “blingy Christmas tree” project. And the best part about this decoration is that can be assembled exclusively with pieces found at a Dollar Store. OK, I’m already sold on this one!

To get a cute, shimmering mini tree of your own, you will need seven items.



  1. Apply the Mod Podge

    Brush on a heavy layer of Mod Podge to the foam piece.

  2. Glitter it up!

    After applying the Mod Podge, quickly sprinkle your glitter onto the foam. Once this dries, brush on some more Mod Podge and add on another layer of glitter. Repeat this step until no white from the foam is peeking through.

  3. Add the beads

    Add on those shiny beads by using some hot glue. For this step, it’s best to apply them using a twisting motion, then going in with the glue. Our host says that she ended up using about six strings of beads for her tree. PRO TIP: Stick a letter opener into the top-side of the foam, so that you can easily grip it without getting burned!

  4. Grab that candle holder

    Drop a string of beads into the cup of your candle holder, then add a layer of hot glue around the rim. Stick your foam piece directly onto the top and let dry.

  5. Optional: Stick in an ornament

    If you want to make your table-top tree look even blingier then stick an ornament into the top of the foam.

The YouTuber just loves this DIY because, as she says, “it is simple and easy.” In fact, she goes on to proclaim, “This is probably the easiest one I’ve ever done!” Well, the end result is GORGEOUS! You could have fooled us.

And remember, this entire project was completed using materials found at the local dollar store. We think that this is a great one to do on a night in with girlfriends, or even as a holiday craft with the kids.

Watch Dezinefun’s video below to see the craft guru in action!

What do you think about this decorative table-top Christmas tree? Is this the type of project that you would like to complete? Do you have any special holiday crafts of your own? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!

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