When it comes to strength, it’s safe to say that members of the military, as well as their families, have the power down pat. These folks sure do have to face some tough situations! And while we so often focus on the physical danger that comes with protecting our country, we rarely talk about what sometimes hurts them the most.

Take the case of Veronica Phillips, for instance. This radiant mother-to-be has had to endure both the good and bad of her pregnancy, all without the love of her life around to support her. While Veronica has been busy taking care of her precious bun in the oven, her husband, U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant Brandon Phillips, is overseas in an undisclosed location.

You see, just a few months into her very first pregnancy, Veronica got some disappointing news—Brandon was facing deployment, thousands of miles away from their South Florida home.

Although most expectant mothers would be beside themselves after hearing the crushing news, the 29-year-old is dealing with her hubby’s absence like a real trooper. In an interview with CBS 4 Miami, the glowing gal sheds some light on how she has managed to remain positive during the separation.

“Even though there’s distance between us, he’s closer,” she explains. “He’s there in spirit.”

Maternity photographs—with a twist!

Like any expectant mother, Veronica didn’t want to miss out on all of the fun things that come with being pregnant, especially the maternity photos. And though most women don’t choose to include their partners in these sentimental shots, the mom-to-be knew she had to find a way to include Brandon.

So, the resourceful wife went ahead with the photos but made sure to incorporate images of her husband in shots so that she could honor him. She teamed up with a photographer by the name of Jennifer Ariel, who came up with the idea to Photoshop images of Brandon interacting with Veronica’s bulging belly.

Since first being posted to social media, both the pictures and the emotional story behind them have been shared by millions. It’s clear that the Phillips family’s perseverance has really struck a chord with folks from all over the world.

And though we are sad to report that husband Brandon won’t be home from his assignment by the time his beautiful wife is due to give birth to their baby boy, the mom-to-be doesn’t let that little detail stop her from keeping her head held high.

While she waits to meet her little one, Veronica is relishing in her new celebrité, as news of these gorgeous photos continues to spread across the world. How sweet!

If you’re not crying right now, we suggest you check your pulse! To meet the brave momma and see more of the incredible shots that made her an online sensation, be sure to watch CBS 4 Miami’s video below.

Talk about a unique maternity shoot! Were you away from your partner during a pregnancy? If so, how did you get through it? Did you do partake in a creative theme for your maternity photos?

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